
Making stuff. That does... stuff.

Discord Bot


A Discord bot

Source code





Command name Description Usage Example Note
help Sends a link to this page ..help ..help  
invite Sends the bot invite link ..invite ..invite  
botinfo Gets some information about the bot ..botinfo ..botinfo  
ping Shows the bot’s latency ..ping ..ping  


Command name Description Usage Example Note
mcface Shows the face of a Minecraft skin ..mcface <username> ..mcface Notch  
mchead Shows the head of a Minecraft skin ..mchead <username> ..mchead Notch  
mcskin Shows a Minecraft skin ..mcskin <username> ..mcskin Notch  
skinsteal Shows a raw Minecraft skin ..skinsteal <username> ..skinsteal Notch  
mcuuid Gets the UUID associated with a Minecraft username ..mcuuid <player name> ..mcuuid Notch  
offlineuuid Gets the UUID that a player would have on an offline-mode server ..offlineuuid <player name> ..offlineuuid Notch  
mcping Pings a Minecraft server and gets some info about it ..mcping <ip> OR ..mcping <ip:port> ..mcping 2b2t.org OR ..mcping 2b2t.org:25565  
mcmotd Gets the current MOTD of a Minecraft server ..mcmotd <ip> OR ..mcmotd <ip:port> ..mcmotd 2b2t.org OR ..mcmotd 2b2t.org:25565  
mccount Gets the current player count on a Minecraft server ..mccount <ip> OR ..mccount <ip:port> ..mccount 2b2t.org OR ..mccount 2b2t.org:25565  
mcicon Gets the icon of a Minecraft server ..mcicon <ip> OR ..mcicon <ip:port> ..mcicon 2b2t.org OR ..mcicon 2b2t.org:25565  
mclatency Gets the latency (ping) to a Minecraft server ..mclatency <ip> OR ..mclatency <ip:port> ..mclatency 2b2t.org OR ..mclatency 2b2t.org:25565  
mcversion Gets a Minecraft server’s version ..mcversion <ip> OR ..mcverision <ip:port> ..mcversion 2b2t.org OR ..mcversion 2b2t.org:25565 Returns protocol version number too
mcquery Gets more information about a Minecraft server ..mcquery <ip> OR ..mcquery <ip:port> ..mcquery bepis.pepsi.team OR ..mcquery mc.glowstone.net:25565 Only works if enable-query is true in server.properties
peping Pings a Minecraft: Pocket Edition server and gets some info about it ..peping <ip> OR ..peping <ip:port> ..peping play.2p2e.net OR ..peping play.2p2e.net:19132  
pequery Queries a Minecraft: Pocket Edition server and gets more info about it ..pequery <ip> OR ..pequery <ip:port> ..pequery play.2p2e.net OR ..pequery play.2p2e.net:19132 Only works if enable-query is true in server.properties
pecount Gets the current player count on a Minecraft: Pocket Edition server ..pecount <ip> OR ..pecount <ip:port> ..pecount play.2p2e.net OR ..pecount play.2p2e.net:19132  
pelatency Gets the latency (ping) to a Minecraft: Pocket Edition server ..pelatency <ip> OR ..pelatency <ip:port> ..pelatency play.2p2e.net OR ..pelatency play.2p2e.net:19132  
peversion Gets a Minecraft: Pocket Edition server’s version ..peversion <ip> OR ..peversion <ip:port> ..peversion play.2p2e.net OR ..peversion play.2p2e.net:19132  
pemotd Gets the current MOTD of a Minecraft: Pocket Edition server ..pemotd <ip> OR ..pemotd <ip:port> ..pemotd play.2p2e.net OR ..pemotd play.2p2e.net:19132  


Command name Description Usage Example Note
play Adds a track to the queue by link ..play <link> ..play https://youtu.be/ytWz0qVvBZ0 May be a playlist. Supported links
play Adds a track to the queue using YouTube search ..play <search terms> ..play diggy diggy hole  
play Adds a track to the queue using the given platform’s search ..play <platform> <search terms> ..play soundcloud dboyd lazy dayze Case-insensitive. Supported platforms & shortcuts
playlist Adds all the tracks from a given plain-text playlist ..playlist <url> ..playlist https://pastebin.com/raw/EjJ1JkF8 Small example, Big example
queue Shows the songs in the queue ..queue [page] ..queue OR ..queue 3  
shuffle Makes the queue ignore the order of tracks in the queue ..shuffle ..shuffle Queue will remain shuffled until disabled with ..ordered
ordered Makes the queue be played back in order (default) ..ordered ..ordered  
skip Skips the currently playing song ..skip ..skip  
stop Clears the playlist and stops playing ..stop ..stop  

Supported search platforms (& shortcuts)


Command name Description Usage Example Note
dice Rolls a die! ..dice OR ..dice <count ..dice OR ..dice 3